DPHU Programs
DPHU through its international partners offers joint programs in the following countries
Distant Production House University issues diplomas under joint supervision. Those who complete their License-Master-Doctorate (LMD) training are entitled to a double diploma (the diploma of Distant Production House University and that of a physical university in America, Europe, and Africa.)
French Programs
Les programmes du DPHU offrent des opportunités éducatives dans une grande variété de sujets à travers des matières académiques et la recherche. Notre programme comprend des matières de premier cycle, des cycles supérieurs et des cycles supérieurs. Les diplômes sont délivrés aux niveaux licence, master et doctorat. Des options de double diplôme sont également disponibles avec nos universités partenaires.
Les étudiants souhaitant s’inscrire aux programmes DPHU ci-dessous doivent adresser leurs demandes au portail des étudiants, où ils peuvent remplir leur candidature en ligne afin d’accéder aux cours à l’intérieur de notre plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne.
Double diplomation:
Ces programmes sont accrédités par le ministère de l’enseignement supérieur en RDC. Ils sont gérés en mode hybride conjointement par le DPHU (en ligne sur la plateforme) et les universités partenaires (en présentiel). Un étudiant inscrit dans l’un de ces programmes obtient un diplôme conjoint entre le DPHU et une autre de l’une de ces universités partenaires étrangères.
Domaines d'études
- Administration des affaires en comptabilité, contrôle et audit
- Gestion d'entreprise en finance
- Gestion d'entreprise en marketing
- Administration des affaires en transit logistique et transport
- Administration des affaires en finance islamique
- Administration des affaires en technologies de l'information
- Administration des affaires dans la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement
- Administration des affaires en immobilier, évaluation et gestion de biens
- Administration des affaires en gestion des ressources humaines
- Administration des affaires en gestion de projet
- Statistiques et mathématique appliquées à l’économie
- Secteur agroalimentaire
- Sociologie
- Travail social
- Études de développement
- Développement communautaire
Domaines d'études
- Sciences de l'eductaion
- Enseignement de geographie et gestion de l'environnementNVIRONNEMENT
- Enseignement des sciences et technologie des aliments
- Conception des systemes d'information
- Licence en enseignement des sciences agroveterinaires
- Anglais-culture Africaine
- Francais-Langues Africaines
- Enseignement prescolaire
- Enseignement primaire
- Psychologie
Domaines d'études
- Génie biomédical
- Médecine chinoise
- Microbiologie clinique
- Santé communautaire
- Épidémiologie
- Santé et sécurité
- Promotion de la santé
- La gestion des soins de santé
- Nutrition humaine
- Médecine légale
- Technologie de laboratoire médical
- Santé publique
- Gestionnaires de soins de santé
- Pharmacie
- Economie de la sante
- Sante environementale
- Soins infirmiers généraux
- Sciences biomedicales
- Sciences infirmières
English Programs
Like the programs in French, DPHU is authorized by the ministry of higher education of DRC (No MINESU/ESU/160/01/0404/2016 of 03 march 2016) to jointly conduct the English programs (Bachelor, Masters and PhD) with the Open University of Tanzania (a public university in Tanzania).
A student enrolled in one of these programs benefit a double degree from both DPHU and the Open University of Tanzania.
- Bachelor of Science (BSc.ICT)
- Bachelor of Science in Data Management
- Bachelor of Science with Education (B.Sc. Ed)) – Conducted jointly with the Faculty of Education
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies (BSc ES)
- Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (BSc FND)
- Bachelor of Science in Energy Resources (BSc ER)
- Bachelor of Science(B.Sc)
- Bachelor Of Science With Education
- Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
- Bachelor of Education Special Education
- Bachelor of Education (Teacher Education)
- Bachelor of Education (Adult and Distance Learning)
- Bachelor of Education (Policy and Management)
- Bachelor of Arts with Education (B.A. (Ed)
- Bachelor of Business Administration with Education (BBA ED)
- Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting (BBA ACC)
- Bachelor of Business Administration Marketing (BBA MKT)
- Bachelor of Business Administration Finance (BBA FIN)
- Bachelor of business Administration Human resource Management (BBA HRM)
- Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business (BBA IB)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM)
- Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Management (BTM)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA (Soc))
- Bachelor of Social Work (BA (SW))
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (BA (Journ))
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (BA (MC))
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA Econ)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Kiswahili And Creative Studies (BAKISW)
- Bachelor of Library & Information Management (BLIM)
- Bachelor of Community Economic Development (BCED)
- Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resources Assessment and Management (BA NRAM)
- Bachelor of Arts in Population and Development (BA PD)
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (BA IR)
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration (BAPA)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work(PGDSW)
- Master Of Arts In Mass Communication
- Master of Social Work (MSW) – (Hybrid mode)
- Master of Arts in Gender Studies (MA GS)
- Master of Science in Economics (MSc. Economics)
- Masters in Community Economic Development (MCED)
- Masters of Tourism Planning and Management (MTPM)
- Masters of Arts in History (MA History)
- Master of Arts in Natural Resource Assessment and Management (MANRAM)
- Master of Arts in International Development and Cooperation (MA ICD)
- Masters of Science in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation &Development (MSc HACD)
- Master of Arts in Governance and Leadership (MA GL)
- Master of Arts in Kiswahili (MA Kiswahili)
- Master of Arts in Linguistics (MA Ling)
- Master of Arts in Geography (M.A. (Geography)
- Master of Arts in Economics (M.A. (Econ)
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Management (MLIM)
- Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation (MA M & E)
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Master of Arts in Journalism
- Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL )
- Master of Law by Course Work and Dissertation (LLM)
- Master of Law by Thesis (LLM)
- Master of Law in Information Technology and Telecommunications (LLM IT & T)
- Master of Law in International Criminal and Justice (LLM ICJ)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
- Postgraduate Diploma In Technical And Vocational Teacher Education
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education(PGDE)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Curriculum Design and Development (PGDCDD)
- Masters of Education(M.Ed)
- Masters of Education in Open Distance Learning (M.Ed. ODL)
- Masters of Education in Curriculum Design and Development (MED CDD)
- Masters of Education in Administration, Planning & Policy Studies M. Ed (APPS)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D)
- Master of Education in Quality Management (MED -QM)
- Master of Science in Biology (M.Sc Biology)
- Master of Science Botany (M.Sc Botany)
- Master of Science in Chemistry (M.Sc Chemistry)
- Master of Science in Environmental Studies (MES)
- Master of Science in Human Nutrition (M.Sc Human Nutrition)
- Master of Science in Physics (M.Sc Physics)
- Master of Science in Zoology (M.Sc Zoology)
- Master of Environmental Studies (MES)
- Master of Science in ICT (MSc.ICT)
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
- Master of Science in Information Technology Management (MSITM)
- M.Sc. Applied Biotechnology
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Postgraduate Diploma Programs
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business Studies (PGDBS)
- Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business Management Transport and Logistics Management
(MBA TLM) - Masters of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
- Masters in Project Management (MPM)
- Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management (PhD)